my brain is full
Dude, im fucking losing it. I have been studying for 2 months straight now and I don't think I have really learned anything. I have exactly two days until the test. I don't know what to do. I have subjects I havent even studied yet, I have ungoldy amounts of MBE questions I should still do. I am very unprepared. Of course all I have to do is pass. What the fuck does that mean! The fucking bar examiners throw all these stupid ass figures at you like, you need an average of 75% on the essays, the scale is about 13 or 14, the average scaled score is a 142 but you only need a 135. You need a 2400 total to pass. Do any of these numbers mean anything to anybody? not me. I really don't understand why they make one take this test. I proves nothing. This does not test me on any real world knowledge. Christ, for the last 2 months I have been studying the common law that hasn't been used since man killed his dinner with a rock. OK, so maybe not that long ago, but it was a long time ago. I highly doubt that in any state in the country arson is defined as: the malicous burning of the dwelling house of another. I mean, if that were the case I could go burn down a starbucks right now and not get in trouble. But of course, thats how it works. Because THATS TOUGH, THATS TRICKY...THATS THE MULTISTATE! fuckin fineberg.