Sunday, January 09, 2005

lick my nuts wal-mart

i realize that i have been requesting a lot of nut licking lately, but i really do like to complain. its pretty much my favorite thing to do. Anyways, aside from the numerous things that are fundamentally wrong with wal-mart (the fact that it is slowly sucking the life out of small business America and quickly taking over the corporate world and the world in general, while still claiming to be creating jobs and helping us, even though those jobs are minimum wage jobs for people that lost their previous jobs because wal-mart undercut their business), i have found one more thing to complain about. I cant believe i just admitted to shopping at wal-mart! oh well, im a poor college student, im not sure many people will hold it against me. However, I went to wal-mart tonight to buy some groceries, namely $77 dollars worth of them. At the checkout lane, a very nice teenage worker proceeded to place my 77 dollars worth of groceries in 16 plastic bags. There is no doubt in my mind that all of my groceries could have been placed easily in about 8. This is not the first time this has happened, it is just the first time that i have had somewhere to write down my complaints. if this is a regular occurance, which i will assume that it is because it has happened to me almost every time that i go, then wal-mart has found yet another wonderful way to WASTE! im sure that those plastic bags arent hurting the enviornment at all...nah, its not possible. im not sure that wal-mart will understand that though, so let me put it in their language--you are losing LOTS of money with your liberal usage of bags. the money that you would spend taking the time to teach these people to bag properly is nothing compared to the loss of money you will incur from your current behavior. think about it. im out this, peace.


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